From working with politicians in changing legislation, to partnering with local organisations to highlight and share best practice, we campaign with and for people with a learning disability , to ensure their rights become a reality.

Together we want to ensure everyone with a learning disability is listened to, valued equally, and included in all aspects of society. 

All Party Group on Learning Disability 

This All Party Group allows us to take the issues faced by a person with a learning disability and their families, straight to Stormont MLA’s.

Its purpose is to promote better understanding of the raised issues, to influence policy, legislation and service developments.

Find out more about the NI Assembly All Party Group on Learning Disability here.


A consultation is our way to ensure the voice of people with a learning disability is heard by stating our thoughts and position on proposed policies and legislation both within Stormont and public bodies.

Find out more about Mencap Northern Ireland consultations here.

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