The learning disability issues that matter to you, matter to us too. 

We work in partnership with people with a learning disability in Northern Ireland to change laws and improve services and access to education , employment and leisure facilities. 

One way we do this is to produce a range of research and briefing papers to influence government departments, political parties and other organisations to make sure the voice of learning disability is clearly heard in Northern Ireland. 

How to get involved

If you are interested in getting involved in Mencap NI’s research and policy work, please contact:

Healthier Me Survey Report

Recently we asked people with a learning disability and their carers across Northern Ireland to complete our Healthier Me Survey . This survey asked people with a learning disability their thoughts on what a healthy lifestyle is. We have designed an infographic which shows the results of our survey, which you can see HERE.

Or to read the full report from the Healthier Me Survey follow the link below.

Image from Learning Disability Week 2024 event held at Stormont Parliament Buildings.

Why youth work matters for young people with a learning disability

This paper discusses the impact that youth work has on young people with a learning disability, and why there should be increased access for young people to these services across NI

The Mencap NI Youth Forum on the roof terrace of the Belfast Mencap Centre

Good practice in early development support for children with a learning disability

Highlighting the need for specialised training for Early Years Practitioners to support children with a learning disability.

Image of Woman with Child

Employ Me: Mencap NI Briefing Paper No.4

Supporting people with a learning disability towards and into employment.

By Mary Anne Webb with Mencap NI Employment Service

A waiter with downs syndrome is serving three people at a table in a cafe with a cup of coffee

My Health, My Life: Barriers to healthcare for people with a learning disability during the pandemic

We explain the healthcare inequalities people with a learning disability have faced during the coronavirus pandemic, and what we think needs to change.

Read the full report Here

Read the easy read version Here

Barriers to healthcare for people with a learning disability during the pandemic

Treat Me Well: Children - Your rights in hospital

We have developed these resources to help ensure that children with a learning disability (aged 0 to 5) get the support they need when they are in hospital and how reasonable adjustments can be made.

There are 2 resources about getting the right care in hospital; one for parents and carers, and one for healthcare professionals.

This guide is about making reasonable adjustments.

Julie, Billy and Aaron at the Mencap Children's Centre

Treat Me Well Report: Mencap NI Briefing Paper No.3

Mencap NI are calling for equal access to healthcare for people with a learning disability in Northern Ireland with our ‘Treat Me Well’ report on health inequalities.

Download Mencap NI PDF Briefing Paper No.3 from October 2019.

Man and woman holding pink Treat me well sign.

Ordinary houses in ordinary streets

Read Mencap NI's PDF Briefing Paper No.2 from May 2018

Independent social care and housing solutions for people with a learning disability. 

This paper presents an overview of Mencap’s Personal Support service in Northern Ireland and discusses the main barriers to independent living and makes recommendations for wider policy and practice.

family together in living room

Creating Brighter Futures

Early Intervention for young children with a learning disability.                                                                                                                       
Download Mencap NI's PDF Briefing Paper No1 from January 2018.

The briefing paper highlights why early intervention is important for young children with a learning disability and their families and what Mencap NI is doing to improve their outcomes.

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