Help us transform our Mencap Centre into a fully inclusive and special place for children and young people with a learning disability.

In Belfast, our Mencap Centre has been a hub for children and young people with a learning disability, as well as their families for over 50 years. Through different programmes aimed at children and young people across a range of ages and stages, the centre is a safe haven and lifeline for many in the area.

However, we want to reach even more children and young people with more complex needs, and provide the best possible support for the young people already using our centre so that no child or young person is left behind.

About the Appeal

This appeal launched Monday 16th October 2023, and will run for 6months until April 2024.

Through this appeal, we want to transform our Mencap Centre into a fully inclusive and special space for children and young people with a learning disability and their loved ones. This will mean a physical transformation of our indoor sensory room and overhaul of our garden. Not only will this enhance play, learning and activities for those we support, but it will also mean we can reach more children, young people and families by running and extending programmes that make best use of the spaces with the provision of a new Volunteer Co-Ordinator role.

Our 3 Goals

  • Spaces & Facilities
  • Services & Programmes
  • Community Hub Co-Ordinator

Marian Nicholas, Chairperson of Mencap NI Special Events Committee

"Right now in NI, our children and young people with learning disabilities are being left behind, this is unjust, as they all deserve the same sort of future as everyone else. I no longer have my daughter Laura, Laura brought so many good things into so many people’s lives, part of her legacy, which I champion, is about expanding the wonderful work that is done in the Mencap Centre, but there is a huge gap in services and provisions at present, and we need your help to raise some much needed and urgent money."

Image of Marian Nicholas at the Mencap NI Race Day

What this appeal can do

Money raised from this appeal will go towards our work in the Children's Centre. These are difficult times, but every donation we receive will make a difference to our work. 

Your donation will be used where it's needed most. Below you can see what your donation could do to help us support more children, young people, and their families.

  • £500 could fund an extra six Saturday clubs.
  • £750 could provide a LED projector for our sensory room.
  • £1,000 could provide an outdoor climbing frame.
  • £5,000 could provide an interactive bubble suite for our sensory room.
  • £10,000 could provide wheelchair accessible outdoor play equipment.
  • £40,000 would allow us to hire a Family Support Co-Ordinator for a year.
  • £50,000 would allow us to build a garden therapy room.

Contact the NI Philanthropy Team

To find out more about the NI Appeal, and how to help us raise funds, contact Maeve from the NI Philanthropy Team.

Contact Maeve

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