Gary has a learning disability and has been involved with Mencap since he was a child.

When he was two years old he attended the old Mencap Nursery at Segal House in Belfast until he was four.

When Gary finished school at 19, Mencap helped him to get a job in his local Co-op stacking shelves. Two years later Gary started volunteering and then eventually working at Mencap.

Gary also helps out in the Mencap Children’s Centre, it brings back happy memories for him helping out with the children, singing, reading stories and helping out when they have visitors.

Hear from Gary

Gary says: “You have to be very precise in my job and sometimes it takes a long time to count all the money as they are big totals. I hope we have a lot of money to count with the Belfast City Half Marathon.”

Man sat in a chair in front of a chalk board

When Gary is not working, he likes to play on his computer and help his Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister around the house.  

Gary loves science fiction and has seen all of the Star Wars movies and lots of superhero films.

He says “I really like working at Mencap and helping as many people with a learning disability as I can. I hope to be counting lots of money from the Belfast City Half Marathon, all the money you raise for Mencap helps kids and people with a learning disability.”