Mencap NI are using virtual reality technology to support people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
to vote in the Assembly elections on 5 May in Northern Ireland as part of their ‘Support to Vote’
A campaign is when people work together to try to change something.
. Mencap NI is using an interactive virtual experience of a polling station, to show people what to do when they go to vote.
The virtual reality experience of a polling station will help reduce people’s anxiety and develop confidence about what you have to do when voting, Mencap NI have developed the VR technology with C60 Architects in Belfast. The virtual reality experience shows people canvassing outside a polling station, where to show your identification and how to vote in the NI Assembly elections.
Peter Livingstone, is a Mencap NI Inclusion Consultant from Belfast, he said: “You can get a bit nervous going to vote if you are not sure what to do and there is usually so many people outside and inside a polling station. Going through it all on the screen just makes it so much easier to understand what you have to do at each point before you vote. I want to encourage everyone with a learning disability to vote on 5 May.”
Mencap NI use VR technology to support people to access their communities by replicating their environment, activity and processes so an individual can experience the opportunity before taking part. The aim is to reduce any anxieties or fears they may have about the activity, and increase their confidence to engage and participate.
Gráinne Close, Director of Mencap NI said: “Many people with a learning disability can find it difficult to engage in their
A community is the people and places in an area.
. So we are providing support for people to vote. Voting is one of the most inclusive acts a person can do to be
Involved is being included in something or taking part in something.
in society. A polling station can be a busy place if you are not sure what you need to do. So on our
A website is a page you can go to on the internet like Google or YouTube.
people can now go through the voting experience from home in advance and access a range of other information on voting. We want Northern Ireland to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability and see voting as an important part of being included in society. I want to encourage people with a learning disability to vote and become active members in society.”
Eoin Kenny, Mencap NI Inclusion Consultant said: “Voting is so important for people with a learning disability. We want to be included in society and to do that, we also have to take part, which we can do by voting."

Mencap NI have also developed an Easy Read ‘Guide to Voting’ in partnership with the Electoral Commission for Northern Ireland with advice in
easy read
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Pictures are usually added next to the writing.
format, for people with a learning disability. The easy read guide provides information on how to vote, the identification needed to vote and information on how to apply for a proxy vote if you are unable to go to a polling station in person.
Eoin Kenny, Mencap NI Inclusion Consultant from Derry/Londonderry said: “Voting is so important for people with a learning disability. We want to be included in society and to do that, we also have to take part, which we can do by voting. Mencap NI’s Easy Read guide is easy to download from their website and takes you through all you have to do, to vote. The virtual reality experience is a great way to see what you have to do when voting.”
Jonathan Mitchell,
A manager is a boss at work. They tell you what you need to do and give you support if you need it.
, Electoral Commission Northern Ireland said: “We are delighted to have worked in partnership with Mencap NI to produce the Guide to Voting. This guide provides important information and support which we hope will give people with a learning disability the confidence to vote and make sure their voice is heard at the Assembly elections on 5 May.”
You can see the Virtual Reality experience of a polling station and Easy Read guide to voting on the Mencap NI website, visit