Mencap NI Virtual Service User Forum

Mencap NI started the Virtual Service User Forum in April 2020.

The Forum brings people with a learning disability together every fortnight to catch up with each other and discuss issues ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic to our favourite TV, music and films, and anything else the members wish.

The meetings also include a summary of the latest lockdown rules in NI, a virtual ‘gig guide’ of the best upcoming online entertainment and a fun (and often competitive) quiz. 

“The Forum helps with meeting my friends and making new friends. It is good in that we can meet up and chat during lockdown and we do a quiz which is very good.” Dave Morton, Virtual User Forum Member.


Dave Morton

The meetings have been a great way to make new friends and keep connected during lockdown. 

It also provides an opportunity to share our unique stories and perspectives on the pandemic and other issues. 

“The Forum keeps everyone connected during the pandemic when we can’t meet face to face and brings people together from all across Northern Ireland.”  Lee Snodgrass, Virtual User Forum Member.

The Forum has separate afternoon and evening groups and new members are very welcome.

If you would like to find out more information about the Service User Forum or you are interested in joining, please email